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Cosmetic Dentistry – Muskegon, MI

Get the Camera-Ready
Smile You Deserve

When you catch yourself smiling, do you quickly move your hand over your mouth to make sure that nobody can see your tooth discoloration or dental damage? This is an all too common reaction that many people have. Our team wants you to be able to let your smile shine bright and not feel embarrassed to show off your excitement. That’s why we offer custom-tailored cosmetic treatments that can help you feel more confident. To learn more about our treatments and how we can help you, call us today to schedule your consultation to discuss options for cosmetic dentistry in Muskegon, MI.

Why Choose Healthy Smiles Dental Care of Muskegon for Cosmetic Dentistry?

Woman pointing to her smile after cosmetic dentistry

Porcelain Veneers

Man's smile compared with porcelain veneer shade chart

Porcelain veneers are individually-made prosthetics that are designed to fit over the visible portion of your teeth to conceal a variety of flaws, including dental discoloration, slight misalignment, and even chips and cracks. Once they’re attached to your teeth, they make your smile appear bright, beautiful, and complete. Instead of having several different procedures, like dental bonding and teeth whitening, veneers are a one-stop-shop to create a grin that you feel proud to let show.

Metal-Free Dental Restorations

Woman smiling after metal free dental restoration

In the past, and even still today, restorations like crowns and fillings were made of metal compounds. These were known to cause dental discoloration, tooth sensitivity, and a variety of other side-effects that were uncomfortable and aesthetically unpleasant. At Healthy Smiles Dental Care of Muskegon, our team uses high-quality materials, like dental porcelain and ceramic, that can be customized to match the color of your surrounding teeth. That way, you won’t have to sacrifice the appearance of your grin for great oral health, because you can have the best of both worlds!

Dental Bonding

Man's healthy smile after dental bonding

Do you have chipped or broken teeth that make you feel embarrassed by your smile? Direct bonding is a cost-effective, fast, and simple treatment that allows us to provide you with a smile that’s complete again. We utilize composite resin to sculpt the missing portion of your teeth. Once it’s placed on your tooth, we’ll use a UV light to cure the substance. This hardens it and allows it to withstand daily use for years to come.

Teeth Whitening

Woman showing off smile after teeth whitening

Are you tired of emptying your wallet for store-bought teeth whitening kits that get your hopes up but never seem to deliver the results they promise? At Healthy Smiles Dental Care of Muskegon, we offer professional take-home and in-office teeth whitening that uses highly concentrated, effective, and safe products to provide you with amazing results. Within as little as an hour (with in-office treatment) or two weeks (with take-home treatment), you can have a radiant grin that’s free of stains caused by items like smoking, coffee, and red wine.

Learn More About Teeth Whitening

Gum Recontouring/Crown Lengthening

Woman with gorgeous smile after gum recontouring

Do your gums seem to overrun your entire smile? Gummy smiles are a common cosmetic problem that our patients face. Fortunately, we have a safe and effective solution to make your smile more proportionate, called gum recontouring. During this procedure, we’ll carefully resculpt your gumline to reveal more of your teeth and create a beautifully balanced smile that you feel comfortable showing off.

Virtual Smile Design

Woman looking at virtual smile design on tablet computer

If you feel hesitant about investing in cosmetic treatments because you aren’t 100 percent sure what your results will look like, you’ll be happy to know that that’s no longer an issue with our virtual smile design system! Using the latest technology, we can build a detailed 3D model of your mouth and alter it to feature the results from whatever cosmetic treatment you’re planning on getting. That way, you can see the before-and-after versions of your smile and feel more confident than ever about investing in your grin.

Cosmetic Dentistry FAQs

Bride smiling after cosmetic dentistry in Muskegon

If you’re looking for a way to enhance the natural beauty of your smile, there are a variety of cosmetic options available that can help you achieve your smile goals. However, it pays to be well-informed, so here are the answers to some of the most common questions we receive about cosmetic dentistry in Muskegon. If you don’t see the information that you’ve been looking for below, don’t worry! Just give us a call and we’d be happy to answer your questions and get you started with an initial consultation.

Is Cosmetic Dentistry Expensive?

Many people associate cosmetic dentistry with expensive treatments, but that doesn’t necessarily have to be the case. Its pricey reputation likely stems from the fact that dental insurance rarely covers cosmetic treatments, so you typically need to pay out of pocket. Improving your smile may seem expensive at first, but you need to consider the investment that you’re making in your self-esteem, confidence, and quality of life.

Is Cosmetic Dentistry Safe?

If you are under the care of a trained professional, cosmetic dentistry is perfectly safe for the majority of patients. Of course, not every treatment is right for each patient, so your dentist will examine your mouth ahead of time and give you an honest assessment of which procedures may not be right for you. Some cosmetic services may pose a risk if an underlying oral health issue isn’t treated first. For example, placing a veneer over a decayed tooth may make it more difficult to treat the tooth later on. These issues need to be addressed ahead of time.

How Do I Know If I Need Cosmetic Dentistry?

If you aren’t completely happy with the smile you see when you look in the mirror, you could most likely benefit from cosmetic dentistry. Stained or discolored teeth often can’t be fixed with over-the-counter whitening products, but professional whitening can help. Chipped or cracked teeth can be repaired by bonding, veneers, and/or dental crowns. If you want to look more youthful, cosmetic dentistry can help with this too! The best way to find out if you’d make a good candidate is by seeing your dentist for a consultation. This way, you can put together a plan that meets your needs.

Does Cosmetic Dentistry Hurt?

Many patients are hesitant to commit to treatment because of fear of pain. You can rest assured that we do everything in our power to make you feel as comfortable as possible. Many cosmetic dental treatments are non-invasive. For example, whitening and bonding shouldn’t even require a local anesthetic. For treatments like veneers, the mouth will be numbed ahead of time. There will likely be some soreness for a few days, but this should be mild and temporary.

Understanding the Cost of Cosmetic Dentistry

a smiling person sitting down

Is something holding you back from beautifying your smile, like the cost of cosmetic dentistry in Muskegon? Our team at Healthy Smiles Dental Care of Muskegon offers discounted rates, specials, and additional financing to make your journey smoother and stress-free. Contact us today to schedule a consultation to learn more about how you can brighten, repair, and straighten your grin.

Which Cosmetic Dental Service is Right for Me?

a smiling person sitting in their cosmetic dentist’s treatment chair

Deciding what cosmetic service you want can be difficult, especially if there’s more than one type of aesthetic imperfection that you’re looking to fix. Here are some of the treatments that we offer and what types of flaws they’re able to address. Based on your desires, one or more of these may be a part of your treatment plan.

  • Veneers are thin sheaths that can address several different imperfections in a single treatment. They’re placed over the visible surface of teeth to conceal discoloration, damage, and even slight misalignment.
  • Metal-Free Restorations. Metal-free crowns and fillings are able to repair and support teeth that have been compromised by decay or infections. They flawlessly blend in with surrounding teeth so onlookers aren’t able to tell what tooth is damaged.
  • Dental Bonding. Bonding is a cost-effective and fast treatment that can repair teeth that have been chipped or damaged.
  • Teeth Whitening. Unlike store-bought teeth whitening products, professional teeth whitening utilizes concentrated ingredients that can achieve a brighter smile in as little as an hour with in-office treatment and two weeks with one of our customized take-home kits.
  • Gum Recontouring. If your smile appears excessively gummy, our team can remove the overgrown tissue, revealing more of your healthy, beautiful teeth to make your grin appear more symmetrical.

Cosmetic Dentistry Can Be an Investment Worth Making

: a notepad that reads “invest in yourself

Only you can decide whether cosmetic dentistry is right for you. If you’re on the fence about whether investing in your smile is worth it, we’re here to tell you that cosmetic treatments can provide priceless benefits that can be life-changing, like confidence and mood boosts. If you’d like to learn more about the benefits of these treatments, don’t hesitate to take that first step by scheduling a free smile makeover consultation with us!

Making Cosmetic Dentistry More Affordable

several 100 dollar bills

Our team at Healthy Smiles Dental Care of Muskegon wants you to be able to achieve a dream smile without jeopardizing your monthly budget, which is why we’re happy to offer additional financing to split the price of treatment up into a monthly payment plan as well as a dental savings plan that provides you with additional discounts. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to your cosmetic dentist in Muskegon for more information!

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